Is the cadastre number mandatory?
No. The cadastre number is not mandatory to fill in. If you are in possession of the number or can find it through the sites below, we kindly ask you to fill it in on the site. At the bottom of this page you will see where to do this.
Where can you find the cadastral number?
The cadastral number is called Numéro d'enregistrement foncier in France. The easiest way is through the following site:
We therefore recommend using this site.
Another way is through this site: or contact the cadastral registration service (SPF).
How do I get my cadastre number via
Step 1: Go to to find the cadastre number of your French property.
Step 2: Set the language setting to the easiest language for you; in this example, English has been used. Next, enter the postcode and department of your property, as shown in the image. In this example, it is Department 10 - Aube and the postcode 10800.
Click on "search¨.
Step 3: Click on 'town or municipality' and select the relevant town here. In this case, this is 'Moussey'. The site displays all possible options to choose from in the form of a drop-down.
Step 4: After selecting the city, you can move on to the address. Here you can enter the unique part of the street name. For example in this case, the street is 'Chemin de la Pierre'. Enter 'Pierre' at the street name, then press "search".
A drop-down will then appear at the 'Street name' box, after which you can select the relevant street.
Step 5: you can enter the house number and then press search. Then the house will appear, including cadastral data you searched for.
Step 6: Found! In this case, the data is "Parcel N 240 - Plan 000 AC 01". The town or city is already known to us, so this data will not need to be added.
Step 7: Enter the cadastre number under your advert in the 'Regulations' tab.
Many thanks in advance for your cooperation.