Part of the mandatory data to be reported to the tax authorities for DAC7 is the company registration number. Where to find this number varies from country to country. Here below is how this works for a number of countries. If you cannot find the relevant number, please contact the business register of the country where your company is registered.
Country | Company registration number | Where to find it |
The Netherlands | Kamer van Koophandel nummer (KvK-nummer) | Het Handelsregister |
Belgium | Ondernemingsnummer | Unizo |
France | Numéro d'enregistrement de l'entreprise (SIREN) | Pappers or |
Germany | Handelsregisternummer | Unternehmensregister |
United Kingdom | Company number | Company House |
We kindly request you to enter this number under "your details" in "Account¨.