As many photos as you want can be placed with the ad.
The first 5 photos will be placed after evaluation by Gites. One of these 5 photos will be used as a presentation photo. This photo must be a photo of the house in its immediate surroundings and will be chosen by Gites. Gites reserves the right to remove photos without relevance. Photos that violate the general norms and values of Gites may also be removed.
Please note that Gites must first approve the photos posted by you.
How do I add or replace photos?
- Log in to Gites
- Click on Edit under the photo of the advertisement.
- Click on Media in the management menu (at the top)
- To add a photo, click on Add photo in carousel.
- To replace a photo, click on the icon of a square with a pen under the photo. Now you can select the new photo from your computer and then click Save photo in carousel.
What else do I need to know?
- We will activate the first five photos in the carousel within 1 working day. In case of replacement, the old photo will remain until then.
- The overview photo (displayed in search) must show the outside of the house.
- Photos must have a minimum height of 1080 pixels. The file size must not exceed 5 MB.
- You cannot delete the first five photos, but you can replace them. Gites checks and activates the replacement. Until then, the old photo remains visible.
- You can move photos by clicking the left or right arrow. For example, if you want to move a photo forward 5 places, you can click the arrow 5 times.
- If you want to move photos from the additional album to the first five or vice versa, you have to download them first and then upload them again in the right place.