You have the possibility to show your availability per room of your B&B on your own website. To do so, paste the HTML code in your website or ask your webmaster to do it for you.
You'll find the code in the client area of your advert. Go to "Rooms" and then "Availability". On the bottom of the page you will see the button "show embed code". You can copy this code and paste it in your own website.
It looks like this:
<iframe frameborder='0' scrolling='no' src='' style='max-width: 760px; width: 100%; height: 340px;'></iframe>
You can show the calender in different languages.
Replace in the code .nl/ by .eu/fr/ for a French calendar.
Replace in the code .nl/ by .eu/en/ for an English calendar
Replace in the code .nl/ by .eu/de/ for a German calendar.